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One Voice Makes A Difference with Janet Swanson

Apr 10, 2023

As a worship leader, the Lord has taught me so much about worship. It’s more than just a song, but it’s a life style. JS


Romans 12:1 (NABRE)

Sacrifice of Body and Mind.

I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship.


Hey you guys!  Did you know that God is wanting to carry your burdens and lift you load? When you give your burdens, pain, and offenses to the Lord, the Bible calls it Spiritual worship!

I have felt the presence of God so close to me the past few days.  I feel my heart bowing to the will of God that gives Him permission to do whatever He wants to do in my life.  When you call Jesus “Lord” it means you set HIM upon the throne of your heart and you worship HIM from the heart in truth.   Please my friends, take some time and listen to this week’s podcast all the way to the end  and  I want you to ask yourself a very important question:  Does God have all of me?  Do I offer my body, my will, my ways to God as worship? 

I think most people think worship is two fast songs and one slow song.  Maybe you lift your hands at church while the music is going on and you call it worship.  And YES…this is a part of worship, but there is so much more to it!  Are you ready to dig deeper into this passage and find out what it really means to worship?


Reflection: Our worship reveals nothing about God . . . but everything about us!  Praise (worship) to God reveals our level of likeness of nature (sanctification) with Him.  It is what we have become by His transforming grace.


For more information about my story, you can purchase my book at


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