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One Voice Makes A Difference with Janet Swanson

Oct 31, 2022

Wendell is from a little town called Nevils, Georgia. 

I was first acquainted with him through our church for many years, but never knew he was in the  Coast Guard,  under special ops. In 1973, Wendell was in the Vietnam War. Twice he was sent for a special op in Vietnam.  He was on Seal Team 4 in Little Creek Va, ...

Oct 24, 2022

Pastor Paula tells when her husband, the pastor had pain in his arm and thought he had a pulled muscle that led to his death.


Isaiah 43:1-2

1 But now, this is what the Lord says, He who is your Creator, Jacob, And He who formed you, Israel:
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you...

Oct 17, 2022

Denise shares her testimony and how childhood upbringing effects our marriage and parenting. Denise shares with us how she came to write her first book that led to a deeper healing at Living Waters Ministry. 

Denise is a motivational speaker, author, and Certified Living Waters Heart Healing Minister/Coach. She's also...

Oct 10, 2022

Chaifa tells her story of childhood abuse and how the enemy starts early attaching those who have a prophetic call on their lives. 

Chaifa stands with the Nex/Gen prophets!  

Prophets - Come out of the Wilderness. It’s Time to Build.

Prophets have earned quite the rep since the birth of the prophetic movement, over a...

Oct 3, 2022

Tommy tells his story of breaking his back and then later being diagnosed with Colon Cancer and having a full Colectomy.  The focus is God is a healer of the Spirit, Soul and Body

Tommy grew up in a military family. He was born in Australia and lived in three continents by the time he was five years old.  He loves the...