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One Voice Makes A Difference with Janet Swanson

Mar 21, 2022

Char Tells her story of struggling with her sexuality and gender dysphoria

Philippians 2:13 New Living Translation

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.

I am so inspired by this lady! Let me tell you why! Char never buried her secret thoughts and desires.  She brought them to the light and set them before Jesus and He caused her to never fall into the lifestyle of homosexuality, but yet, she recognized her struggle and she needed help. 

First she reached out to her mom, but her mom didn’t know how to respond to her.  It wasn’t until later that a pastor friend helped her by going with her to counseling.  Someone took her by the hand and led her to a place of holiness.  Char says that God put HIS desires in her heart and that is what changed everything. Becoming HOLY and having fellowship with the Holy Spirit changes a person from the inside out.  She went from Gender Dysphoria to HOLINESS! SO POWERFUL!

You are going to be so blessed by this podcast. If you are struggling with sexual identity, please reach out to us. We want to help you! 

Here are some book that will help you along the way.  You will find out how to disciple students who are struggling with their sexuality, how a parent should respond when their child is struggling with their sexuality, and can someone’s sexuality change!!!  We would love to hear from you!

Here is Char’s email:

Here is my email: